
  1. Processing Time Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days. If there are any delays, we will notify you via email.
  1. Shipping Methods We offer several shipping options, including:
  • Standard Shipping (3-5 business days)
  • Expedited Shipping (1-3 business days)
  • Overnight Shipping (1 business day)
  1. Shipping Costs Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on your location and chosen shipping method.
  1. Delivery Times Estimated delivery times may vary based on your location and the shipping method selected. Please allow extra time during peak seasons.
  1. International Shipping We currently ship to Canada and select USPS verified EU destinations. International shipping costs and delivery times will vary.
  1. Tracking Your Order Once your order has shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number.
  1. Damaged or Lost Packages If your package is damaged or lost during transit, please contact us asap so we can assist you.
  1. Contact Us For any questions regarding shipping, please contact our customer service at